12 August 2022 - Tree following and a new path

My mulberry is starting to show signs of the extreme heat and dryness we have had here for so long. Although it seems healthy, as some of the leaves begin to yellow and curl, it seems that autumn is coming far too early. Click here to follow some more amazing trees.

I took this photo of the mulberry yesterday in the bright morning sunshine, it seems the spiders are quite at home in its small branches. 

Mulberry in the morning sun

In amongst the parched grass, dried branches and wilting leaves, a new path emerged. As garden paths always do, it sited itself unexpectedly and yet seemed instantly sensible as though it was always meant to be there. Winding and weaving, it takes us not where we expect, but to somewhere we need to be. 

In this instance, I speak metaphorically, as in the midst of a career change I have decided to pursue a career in horticulture and have registered with the WRAGS training scheme. While I wait for a placement, I hope to begin my RHS level 2 qualification, with a view to working for gardening publications so that I can make the most of my previous skills and experience in publishing. 

This time two years ago, I was expecting my daughter, and watch my first attempt at the Three Sisters planting method provide us with a bounty. I wonder what I will be reaping in two years from now. 

Sweetcorn, beans and squash

Happy gardening.



  1. So nice the way you captured the spider web in the sunlight, made me smile :)

  2. I'm not surprised that the leaves are starting to die back given how dry it's been.
    Good luck with the change of career. xx

  3. Lovely to see the spider's web in the tree. Good luck with your horticultural training

  4. Best of luck with the new career path - I used to be a journalist and love plants so I can see how becoming a gardening writer might appeal to you.
    Your tree is looking good for the time of year - which is of course when the spiders and their orb webs start to get bigger - nice that you have caught one on camera.
    Thanks for taking part - I look forward to more from you.
    Best wishes :)


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